The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)

1 10 THE JERSEY JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1970 Florida Fish Finds Friend In Capital WASHINGTON (UPI) The Justice Department in a test case has filed its first suit against thermal water pollution it claims is destroying marine life in Florida's Biscayne Bay, where President Nixon has a vacation home. The civil action filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Miami against the Florida Power and Light Co. claimed that hot water discharged from two power plants were overheating the water of Bis'cayne Bay with ruinous effects on rare marine life. THE GOVERNEMT asked that the power company be required to modify its operations so that discharged water from two" existing plants and two planned nuclear plants would be cooled before it runs into the bay.

It estimated that the power plants draw salt water from the bay at the rate of almost 550,000 gallons per minute for condensing and cooling purposes. The water is heated by about 10 to 20 degrees before leaves the plant and is spilled back into the bay where it raises the bay water to "temperatures substantially higher natural conditions," the suit said. IN THIS PROCESS, plankton and other small sea life "will be cooked to the government said, the bay floor will be scoured and the existing ecological cycle will be destroyed. JSCS Continued session" from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

and an overlapping "'late session," to run from 4 to 6 p.m. This, according to the professors, would allow many night students who are now severely limited in the type of degrees they can earn at night to participate in a full range of fouryear degree studies. THE EVENING division, which can only grant degrees in nursing or education to B.A.'s who previously were graduated from normal schools, would remain essentially the same, they said. But Brown said in a limited number of cases the evening students might have to take a few courses which begin at 4 p.m. Dr.

Sharrock said the plan would allow state support of the college, which totals about $300 per full-time student, to increase. She said that under the present plan the 800 full-time students do not count in aid requests, but that they would count under the new system. These students, she added, will be able to work for degrees that are now denied them. The state defines a student PATH Continued Locals 1330, yesterday denied a work slowdown. "There's no slowdown, but there's a manpower shortage," Raia said.

"Men are quitting work in the inspection pit at the Henderson Street shops and going to work for the New York Transit Authority, where the pay is better." Raia said that "12 per cent" of the car inspectors in the Jersey City shop had left PATH in the last two months. He said these men can make $5.30 an hour working for the Transit Authority as of July, 1971, while the curren PATH pay scale is $4.22. "They ask us every day to work overtime," he said, "but eight hours are enough. The body has to get some rest. We've only been working overtime a little bit at a time, on a minimal basis.

"So many men are now leaving that PATH is advertising for mechanics," said Raia. SPOKESMAN for PATH said 58 car inspectors are employed at the Henderson Street facility. Local 1330 also includes car cleaners and maintenance men, and has a membership of 200. The negotiations were scheduled to be held in New York" yesterday, but Raia said Thomas Kinsella, the federal mediator who entered the talks Feb. 26 at the request of the company, requested that they be postponed until Monday.

000 THE TALKS started Jan. 22, and the old contract expired on Feb. 13. But under the National Railway Labor Act, the union cannot strike while the mediation process continues. the car shortage grows worse.

Gambaccini said DEATHS SCULLION in Paterson on Thursday, March 12, 1970, Matthew, dearly beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Loren Scullion. High Requiem Mass Monday morning at St. Therese Chapel, Dey Street, Paterson at 9:30 a.m. Interment Holy Sepu chre Cemetery, Paterson. Visitors hours Saturday and Sunday at St.

Theresa Home, 70 Dey Street, Paterson, p.m. SECLOW Adele (nee Epstein) of 43 Avenue Bayonne, on Friday, March 13, 1970, beloved wife of Alexander: dear sister of Leah Klein. Services "WIEN WIEN," 2030 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, on Sunday, March 15, 1970 at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in Baron Hirsch Cemetery, Staten Island, New York. In lieu of flowers contributions to the JEWISH HOSPITAL AND REHABILITATION CENTER OF New Jersey will be greatly appreciated.

No visitation at chapel, Saturday evening. STEYN Frank on March 12, 1970, of 21 Ravine Avenue, Jersey City; husband of Freida (nee Kurras); father of Henry, Mrs. Anna Mulvaney, Mrs. Ursula Avato and Mrs. Frances Borden.

Also survived by 18 grandchildren. Visiting at MACK Memorial Home, 288 Central Avenue, Jersey City, from 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. Parking 269-275 Central Avenue. Funeral, Monday, March 16, at 9:30 a.m. High Mass at St.

Nicholas Church at 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. SWEENEY Hannah G. (nee O'Donnell), of 94 West 31st Street, Bayonne, on Thursday, March 12, 1970; beloved wife of John, sister of Mrs. Isabelle Hanrahan.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from the O'BRIEN Funeral Home, 984 Avenue on Monday, March 16. Solemn High Mass, St. Henry's Church 10 a.m. Inferment, Holy Name Cemetery. Visiting this evening 7-10; thereafter and 7-10 p.m.

CARD OF THANKS EDWARDS Deeming it impossible to thank all in person, the family of the late Wanda L. Edwards, wish to express their sincere appreciation to everyone for the sympathy and kindness they extended to US in our recent bereavement. We wish to thank all of you for your floral tributes, words of consolation, spiritual bouquets and Mass cards; to the ministers, especially Rev. N. Porter, who delivered the eulogy, Junior Choir and Church of God in Christ Temple; also our many thanks to the police force, and 10 Mr.

Murray, funeral director, for. the kind and efficient services rendered. BEREAVED FAMILY IN MEMORIAM Justus. JENSEN, always in my heart. Your Loving Wife, Jo ROMANO Carmella.

However long our lives may last Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief be ours, We will always think of you. John and Children, Grandchildren SANTOLLO Frank. Happy Birthday in Heaven. We miss you now, Our hearts are sore; As time goes by, We miss you more. Your smiling face.

Your gentle smile No one can fill your vacant place. Your Loving Wife, Lucille, And Children MASS ESPOSITO James Sr. First anniversary Mass on Monday, March 16, 1970, 7 a.m. at St. Lucy Church, Grove and 15th Street, Jersey City.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BEDDIGES SEITZ OL 9-4343 EARL F. BOSWORTH 311 WILLOW AVE. 659-1455 659-1456 HOWARD J. BRENNAN 6414 Bergenline W.N.Y.

861-1450 Bromirski Funeral Home 221 Warren J.C. HE 4-4883 Bunnell Funeral Home 41-45 Highland J.C. DE 3-6446 JOHN L. BURK 469-71 Palisade J.C. OL 9-4578 52 Ridge Lyndhurst WE 9-0490 PATRICK J.

CONTE CONTE, MGR. 435-6451 34, Tuers J.C. 796-0060 DIFFILY FUNERAL HOME 41 AMES AVE. Rutherford 939-0098 FAILLA MEMORIAL HOME 533 WILLOW AVENUE HOBOKEN 659-0082 Fallon Funeral Home 157 Bowers J.C. 659-0579 WILLIAM L.


333-8000 Houghton Funeral Home 976 Summit J.C. OL 9-4232 JACKSON FUNERAL RESIDENCE 384 Communipaw Jersey City 432-6565 KWIATKOWSKI BROTHERS 445 Monmouth St. 159 Garrison Ave. 653-3844 435-7930 KOWALCHYK Wm. F.

Raslowsky, Mgr. 129 Grand J.C. 434-5131 LEBER FUNERAL HOME HARRY J. LEBER, MANAGER UN 3-1100-01 UNION CITY PRIVATE PARKING LAWTON TURSO FUNERAL HOME 631-633 WASHINGTON Hoboken OL 9-1660 Mack Funeral Home Jersey City OL 9-4968 Marshello Funeral Home 235 Ege J.C. 434-2615 Near West Side Avenue 333-8854 Directors of Funerals 748 Ocean Ave.

Jersey City, MICHALSKI FUNERAL. HOME, INC. 463 Monmouth St. 653-0070 653-0491 In Memorium JOHN GREENE Greene, John. In loving memory of the birthday and 2nd anniversary in Heaven of our dearly beloved son and brother.

No one knows the silent heartaches Only those who have loved can tell The grief we bear in silence For the one we loved so well. Loving Mother Brothers Sisters Nieces Nephews FUNERAL DIRECTORS Labor Peace at the Garden Apartments TRENTON (UPI) Union County Assistant Prosecutor John Stamler yesterday disclosed to the Senate Labor Relations Committee his version of how a contractor paid New. Jersey underworld bosses for labor peace at a garden apartment construction project. Stamler said Simone R. (Sam the Plumber) De Cavalcante of Princeton and his predecessor, Nick Delmore, arranged the Father, Son Held in Raid On Numbers Two men, father and son are free in bail after their arrest yesterday in a state police gambling raid in Jersey City which broke up a numbers ring according to authorities.

Those arrested wrre identified as Philip Melillo, 50, of Bloomfield, and his son, William, 28, of 346 Communipaw Jersey City. Acting on a search. warrant issued by Superior Court Judge Charles S. Joelson, Passaic County, the troopers led by Sgt. Bernard Kelly of the Organized Crime Task Force raided premises at 341 Communipaw Ave.

The two men, according to the troopers were allegedly taking lottery plays at the time of the raid, and slips indicated a daily play of $5,000, they said. Seized in the raid were two fully loaded pistols, a telephone, adding machine and $2,800 in cash. Hudson County District Court Judge Samuel Schneiderman set $5,000 bail for William and $3,500 for his father. taking 12 or more credits per semester as a full-time student. THE PROFESSORS emphasized that the "working paper" was still being discussed with Other committees, those on academic standards and institutional planning.

Only then will it be submitted to the academic senate, which consists of 36 faculty members and administrators and 10 students, all elected. Plans call for student senators to increase to 36. Once the senate adopts the proposal, it will go to Dr. James Mullen, JCSC president, for administrative approval. At the same time the college must seek the extra funds from the state.

DR. SHARROCK said the plan could not be instituted before September, 1971. She said the college's state money was already determined for the fiscal year which begins in July. Other members of the cirriculum committee include Dr. Ray Walker, Dr.

Lewellen Gordon, Dr. Daryl Fair and Bruce Waldman, representing the faculty and administration. Teri Nelson and Alan Meltzer have been regular student members of the committee, Brown said. He added the student government had the right to appoint three more students to the committee, but that no such action had been taken yet. the line needs 220 cars to maintain a full schedule.

He said that if more cars are not passed through the shops, the total will drop to 175 next week. He said that before Feb. 16, 16 cars were inspected daily, but that the number had dropped to eight cars daily. Man Shot Twice In Bar Fight A man, identified by Jersey City police as James Lee, 21, his address unknown, is in the Medical Center today, being treated for two bullet wounds he suffered in a Downtown bar fight. Detectives Cornelius Granger and Frank Jagger reported that Lee was shot in the left shoulder and stomach about 1:30 a.m.

today in the Club 273 at 273 Grand Jersey City. The shooting, they said, was the climax to a fight Lee had with an unidentified man. They said the assailant fled the bar and was last seen running west on Bright Street. payments with the builders of Mount Pleasant Village, built by Riverside Estates. The testimony came during a hearing on a bill requiring state registration of "labor consultants." Stamler said contractors, using non-union labor, were fa faced with union picket lines at the garden apartment complex when construction began in 1963.

Delmore was allegedly called in as a and the Largest Fine For Pollution TRENTON (UPI) -A $12,000 fine largest ever issued by a court for water pollution in New Jersey was levied yesterday against a Fairfield industrial firm for contaminating the waters of the Passaic River. Superior Court Judge Ward J. Herbert of Newark fined the Industrial Circuits Co. for failing to comply with prior pollution abatement notices issued by the state Department of Health. The $12,000 penalty resulted from the company's failure to secure a permit from the state Health Department to locate a manufacturing operation on a potable watershed, a Health Department spokesman said.

The company agreed to have toxic processing waste removed, but was fined for previous violations. LOCAL 428 Continued board increase, the same amount asked for a group of 500 city employes which the local represents. In the Medical Center election, Solomon charged that a nurse at the hospital was confronted in her apartment on March 11 by a man who advised her to tell an official of Local 428 to "get up off the election" and that "this is our hospital and we want it." ON THE SAME DAY, Solomon said, another nurse received an anonymous telephone call advising the nurses to "mind their own business" and threatening executive board members of the nurses union, which had endorsed Local 428. Nurses were not included in the bargaining group, which contains about 370 "blue collar" workers. While Solomon did not charge Local 1959 with responsibility for these actions, he said "the facts seem to indicate that they were being done for the local and in fact had a very adverse affect on the employes." He added that several other employes had complained of being intimidated.

LOCAL 428 also charges that "organizers for Local 1959 were on the Medical Center's premises while the election was being conducted," violating ground rules barring union organizers from the hospital, Solomon added. Among the other charges are the following: Representatives of Local 1959 "pasted campaign stickers on the walls of the Medical Center leading to the polling area." One of the Local 1959 poll watchers "had run in and out of the polling area several times campaigning for Local 1959." MURPHY HOLDS a supervisory position in the city, which should bar him from campaigning, but he "avidly campaigned for Local 1959." Also, two other Medical Center supervisors campaigned for the union, although they are not union members. "This is part of the bag of tricks they said the other day they were going to Murphy commented. "'There was a clean-cut victory and no matter what they say it's not going to change it." He denied all the charges, adding that Local 1959 was "very, very careful" in adhering to election regulations. Murphy added that he is retired from his supervisory position in the department of public works.

Try to End Strike SAYREVILLE (UPI) Representatives of striking teachers and the board of education negotiated into the "early morning hours today. pickets were gone within three days, the assistant prosecutor said--at a cost of $70,200. Stamler said the builders, even after paying Delmore, were still able to save some $1,900 per unit by using non union labor. The assistant prosecutor said that when Delmore died in 1963, DeCavalcante and the builders worked out a "settlement" of the amount due Delmore. High Court Next Stop For Catena? TRENTON (UPI) Gerardo (Jerry) Catena, alleged Costa Nostra boss in New Jersey will probably turn next to the U.S.

Supreme Court to seek his freedom, his bid for release from prison having been turned down here yesterday. Catena's attorneys, Osmond Fraenkel and Sydney M. (Chris) Franzblau, said privately during yesterday's hearing that an adverse decision would mean they would likely appeal Catena's jailing to the U.S. Supreme Court. Catena, 68, of South Orange, remained in custody at the Yardville Correction Center near here, following a 90-minute hearing before U.S.

District Court Judge George H. Barrow. Said to be the successor to Vito Genovese, Catena was jailed March 4 for failing to answer questions put to him by New Jersey's State Investigation Commission, (SIC) currently probing organized crime. Barlow also turned down a petition to free Catena on bail, ruling, "I find that the state's statute granting immunity to witnesses testifying before the (State Investigation) Commission provides the necessary protection to witnesses." Catena insists that he is being jailed illegally, because the statute empowering the commission to imprison uncooperative witnesses supposedly does not protect him from prosecution in other states. U.S.

Battles Bail for 'Gyp' And Cecere By United Press International The U.S. attorney's office in Newark has filed a brief in a federal appeals court opposing bail requests made by lawyers for reputed Mafia members Angelo (Gyp) DeCarlo and Daniel (Red) Cecere. Both were convicted Jan. 29 in federal court here of loansharking and using violence to extract payment of a loan from Louis B. Saperstein, who was found dead of arsenic poisoning in November of 1968.

On March 4, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Shaw sentenced the two to 12 years in prison and fines of $20,000 apiece. At the same time, he turned down requests that they be continued in bail pending appeal of their convictions. The two were remanded to federal prison in Danbury, Conn. Hearing Monday Their attorneys later filed motions for bail in the U.S.

Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, where the U.S. Attorney's office filed its opposing arguments yesterday. Hearings on the bail request are scheduled for Monday. In opposing this motion, Theodore Margolis and Alfred C. DeCosiis, assistant U.S.

Attorneys, said DeCarlo "has a record of convictions that run from 1923 to 1970, a period of nearly half a century. He is considered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be one of the top loansharking and gambling bosses in the Cosa Nostra." Of Cecere, the brief said he is "considered by the FBI to be extremely active in numbers, gambling and loansharking, the offense for which he has just been convicted." HUDSON COURT CALLS The following cases will be 66-4256, 66-4281, 66-4281C7-4110, 66-4291, 67-2185, 67-2248C, 67-2248C8-0725, 67-2440, 67-0001C, 67-001C7-0411, 67-0004C9-1305, 67- 67-2513, 67-2516, 67-2527, 67-2528, 67-2600, called Monday by Superior Court 0024C, 67-0024C8-0194, 67-0102, 67-0107, 67- 67-2603, 67-2696. $124, 67-0148. Judge Peter P. Artaserse at the 67-2749, 67-2767, 67-2772, 67-2831, 67- 67-0149, 67-0154, 67-0155, 67-0173, 67-0174, 2841C, 67-2841C7-2941, 67-2874, 67-2981, 67- Hudson County Administration 67-0175, 67-0180, 67-0187C, 67-0187C7-2637, 3084, 67-3097, 67-3119, 67-3158, 67-3169C, 67-0198, 67-0199, 67-0212C, 67-0212C8-1499, 67-3169C7-3270, 67-3235, 67-3237, 67-3254, Building: 67-0214, 67-0221, 67-0222, 67-0224, 67-0225, 67-3264, 67-3278, 67-3399, 67-3384, 67-3386, 67-0236 67-0255, 67-0259, 67-0261, 67-3399, 67-3410.

67-0266. 66-2800, 66-3045, 66-3215C, 66-3215C6- 67-3416, 67-3425, 67-3444, 67-3484, 67-3528, 3220, 66-3228, 66-3279, 66-3461, 66-3491, 66- 67-0273, 67-0281, 67-0291, 67-0292, 67-0293, 67-3531, 67-3537, 67-3532, 67-3555, 67-3584, 3541, 66-3556, 66-3646, 66-3668, 66-4102C, 67-0300C, 67-0300C8-1904, 67-0302, 67-0303C, 67-3594, 67-4033, 67-4080, 67-4097, 67-4118, 66-4102C6-4184, 67-0324, 67-0458, 67-0924, 67- 67-033C8-0792, 67-0304, 67-0314, 67-0319, 67-4138, 67-4161, 67-4163, 67-4175C, 67- 1013, 67-1165, 67-1355C, 67-1355C7-2379, 67- 67-0335, 67-0348, 67-0354, 67-0357, 67-0361, 4175C8-4093, 67-4181, 67-4186, 68-0012, 68- 1607, 67-1975, 67-2282. 67-0363, 67-0388C, 67-0388C7-1806, 67-0392, 0077. 67-0393, 67-0417. 67-2470, 67-2538, 67-2608C, 67-2608C9-0753, 68-0166, 68-0172, 68-0222, 68-0234, 68- 67-3431, 67-4014C, 67-4014C8-1227, 67-4069, 67-0479C, 67-0479C8-0231, 67-0589, 67-0608, 0253, 68-0314, 68-0329, 68-0337, 68-0354, 68- 67-4147, 68-0036, 68-0987, 68-1015, 68-1110, 67-0695C, 67-0695C7-0696, 67-0695C7-2636, 0359, 68-0362, 68-0364, 68-0367, 68-0373, 68- 68-1699, 66-0153C, 66-01537C-0835, 66-3430, 67-0731, 67-0735, 67-0736, 67-0820, 67-0830, 0374, 68-0410, 68-0411, 68-0412, 68-0431, 68- 66-3567, 66-3841, 66-4096, 66-4174, 66-4269, 67-0875, 67-0881, 67-0973, 67-1003, 67-1038C, 0464, 68-0465, 68-0470, 68-0480, 68-0487.

67-0042, 67-0046C. 67-1038C7-1582, 67-1118, 67-1133, 67-1262, 67-1283, 67-1345, 67-1518. 68-0498, 68-0526, 68-0529, 68-0617, 68-0621, 67-0046C7-1382, 67-1194, 67-1469, 67-1521, 68,0634, 68-0643, 68-0716, 68-0744, 68-0785, 67-1613, 67-1974, 67-2025, 67-2054, 67-2439, 67-1524, 67-1537C, 67-1537C7-3189, 67-1562, 68-0808C, 68-0808C8-1458, 68-0808C8-2136, 67-2500C, 67-2500C8-2089, 67-2521C, 67- 67-1571C, 67-1571C9-0236, 67-1585C, 67- 68-0818, 68-0852, 68-0854, 6-0949, 68-1002, 2521C7-3905, 66-2968, 66-3021, 66-3048, 66- 1585C7-2878, 67-1606, 67-1678, 67-1695, 67- 68-1121, 68-1122. 3134, 66-3140, 66-3168, 66-3231, 66-3242, 66- 1760, 67-1777, 67-1794, 67-1887, 67-1899, 67- 68-1149, 68-1151, 68-1174, 68-1175, 68- 3255, 66-3286, 66-3350, 66-3395, 66-3451, 1915, 67-1915C9-0963, 67-1955C, 67-1955C7- 1208, 68-1279, 68-1283, 68-1316, 68-1352, 663498, 66-3501, 66-3518, 66-3653, 66-3660. 2883.

68-1356, 68-1401, 68-1420, 68-1490, 68-1582, 68-1594, 68-1643, 68-1870, 68-2840, 68-4153, 66-3868, 66-3729, 66-3741, 66-3794, 66-3868, 67-1955C8-1852, 67-2019C, 67-2019C9-0098, 68-8029. 663883, 66-3896, 66-4218, 66-4219, 66-4236, 67-2027, 67-2054, 67-2101, 67-2123, 67-2160, TOTAL CASES: 346. Death Notices May be telephoned to The Jersey Journal by your Funeral Director or delivered to our office from 7:30 to 8:10 a.m. for insertion in the current day's Saturday deadline 7:15 a.m. PHONE OL 3- paper.

1000. Rate TWENTY CENTS A WORD (each abbreviated word counted as 1 word). No advertisem*nt for less than the price of 25 words. Same price each word. Conklin, E.

Moran, SisterM. Fox, K. Martin.N. CONKLIN On Thursday, March 12, 1970, Ellen (nee Hannon); beloved wife of the late William; devoted mother of Mrs. Alice Turner and Mrs.

Catherine Hughes; also survived by four grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral trom the LAWRENCE G. QUINN Funeral Home, 298 Academy Street Bergen on Monday, March 16, 1970 at 9 a.m. High Requiem Mass, Sacred Heart Church 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

Visiting hours 2-5. and 7-10 p.m. FOOHEY On Thursday, March 12, 1970, James of 821 Bergen Avenue, beloved husband of Edna (nee De Lorme; and dear brother of Mrs. Helen Peters and the late Margaret Brown and Kathryn Schroeder. Relatives and friends, also members of Local No.

164 I.B.E.W. are invited to attend funeral on Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the LAWRENCE G. QUINN Funeral Home, 298 Academy Street, at Bergen Square. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.

FOOHEY, SUMMONS James, Local Union 164, I.B.E.W., officers and members are hereby summoned to pay their final respects to our late brother, James Foohey. His body reposes at The Quinn Funeral Home, 298 Academy Street, Jersey City, New Jersey. Visiting, Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. Funeral, Monday, March 16, 1970 at 9 a.m.

WILLIAM P. B. CASEY, President. FOX Katherine (nee Schnabel) of 199 Ocean Avenue, on March 13, 1970, beloved wife of Francis devoted mother of James and Robert of Toms River, New Jersey, Mrs. Elizabeth Duffy; survived by four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

and friends are invited to attend the funeral from LAWRENCE G. QUINN Funeral Home, 298 Academy Street at Bergen Square on Tuesday, March 17. Notice of funeral later. Visitation after 7 p.m. Stturday.

HOPTON William, March 12, 1970, of 17 Clarke Avenue, Jersey City, beloved husband of Dorothy (nee Becker); dear father of Mrs. Helen Behson, William and Harry survived by eight a children; four great-grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend lodge services at WILLIAM SCHLEMM INC. Funtral Home, Bergen and Harrison Avenues, Jersey City, Sunday, March 15 at 8 p.m. Funeral service Monday 1 p.m.

Interment Bay View Cemetery. Visiting 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. PARKING ON PREMISES. HOPTON, SUMMONS The officers and members of Enterprise Lodge No. 31, Free and Accepted Masons, are requested to attend an emergent communication to be held at the Masonic -Temple, 835 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, on Sunday, March 15, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.

for the purpose of paying our last tribute of respect to our late brother William Hopton. JOHN HALLIGAN, Master and W. WESTLEY DRAKE, Secretary. August Raggi, 75 A retired accountant for a New York firm, August A. Raggi, 75, of 309 72nd North Bergen, died yesterday in St.

Mary Hospital after a brief illness. A native of New York City, Mrs. Raggi lived in Hoboken for many years before moving to North Bergen six years ago. He was retired 15 years as an accountant with the International Tailoring Co. of New York City.

The funeral will be Tuesday from the Leber Funeral Home with a Mass -in St. Francis Church, Hoboken. Mrs. John Martin A resident of Jersey City most of her life before moving to North Arlington two years ago, Mrs. John Martin, the former Nora Lee, of 7 Bernice Road, died yesterday in West Hudson Hospital.

She was a native of Brooklyn. The funeral will be Monday from the Harold Routh Funeral Home with a 10 a.m. Mass in Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. Frank J.

Steyn A retired ferry boat engineer for the Lackawanna Railroad, Frank J. Steyn, 73, of 21 Ravine Jersey City, died Thursday in Christ Hospital. Mr. Steyn was a native of Germany. The funeral will be Monday at 9:30 a.m.

from the Mack Memorial Home with a 10 a.m. Mass in St. Nicholas Church. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery, Lyndhurst. Peter Lavitola, 61 Peter Lavitola, 61, of 92 Hutton Jersey City, died Thursday in North Hudson Hospital.

A native of Italy, Mr. Lavitola was a longtime resident of Jersey City. The funeral will be Monday at 8:30 a.m. from the Mack Memorial Home with a 9 a.m. Mass in St.

Nicholas Church. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. Mrs. C. Auriello Mrs.

Carmella Dorso Auriello, 88, of 1227 Hillside Road, North Bergen, died yesterday at her residence. Born in Italy, she came to the U.S. 66 years ago and had lived in North Bergen for 55 years, and Union City for the past 11. The funeral will be on Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the Clerici Funeral Home, Union City, with a Mass at St.

Rocco's Church. Journal Square McLAUGHLIN 798-8700 NECKER-SHARPE 525 45th Union City UN 7-0820-0120 PARKER FUNERAL HOME 37-39 Clinton J.C. 434-4568 LAWRENCE G. QUINN FUNERAL HOME, 298 Academy St. SW 8-8114 DEATHS JANNUZZELLI On March 11, 1970, Gerald S.

of 22 Innes Road, East Brunswick, New Jersey (formerly of Jersey City), beloved husband of Anna (nee Tarantino); loving father of Gerald J. and Joseph dear brother of Ann Kelly and Joseph; dear grandfather of David Jannuzzelll. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from BROTHERS Funeral Home, 280 Baldwin Avenue, Monday 9 a.m. High Mass of Requiem St. Joseph's Church 10 a.m.

Visitation 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. KEENAN Sadie M. (nee Smith) March 13, 1970 of Bramhall Avenue, Jersey City, beloved wife of the late John H. Keenan; dear mother of Sidney Adams, Edna Keenan, Edith L. Keenan, Mrs.

Gladys Wills, Mrs. Florence DiGirolamo and the late Raymond, Harold, Bertha, Evelyn, Lillian, Harvey and Viola; survived by nine grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren; sister of George Delay. Mrs. Gertrude McBride, Mrs. Emma Colbath.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral WILLIAM SCHLEMM INC. Funeral Home, Bergen and Harrison Avenues, Jersey City, Monday, March 16 9:30 a.m. Requiem Mass All Saints Roman Catholic Church 10 a.m. Visiting 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. PARKING ON PREMISES.

LAVITOLA Peter, on March 12, 1970, of 92 Hutton Street, Jersey City; beloved husband of Grace (nee Dagato); father of Peter and Ms. Madeline Kenny; brother of Anthony; grandfather of Jeffrey Kenny. Visiting at the MACK Memorial Home, 288 Central Avenue, Jersey City, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Parking, 269-275 Central Avenue. Funeral Monday.

March 16, at 8:30 a.m. High mass, St. Nicholas Church, 9 a.m. Interment, to follow. MAC DONALD, SUMMONS Officers and members of Mecca Chapter No.

19, Order of Eastern Star, are requested to attend services our late sister Margaret MacDonald at the Blackley Funeral Home, Broad and Elm Avenues, Ridgefield, on Sunday evening, March 15, at 8 p.m. EILENN MITCHARD. Worthy Matron ALFRED FREYBERGER, Acting Worthy Patron EDNA FREYBERGER, Secretary MARTIN On Friday, March 13, 1970, Nora Martin (nee Lee) of 7. Bernice Rodd, North Arlington, formerly of Jersey City, beloved wife of John; mother of John Robert, Mrs. Gertrude Delaney; sister of the late Dora Lee, Nellie Shannon, Catherine McDermott, William Lee and Virgie McHale; also survived by 11 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren.

Relatives and friends are invited 10 attend the funeral from the HAROLD J. ROUTH Funeral Home, 26 Greenville Avenue, Jersey City, on Monday. March 16 at 9 a.m. Solemn Mass of Requiem Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

Visiting 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. MORAN Sister M. Conradine, O.P., of Mt. St. Dominick's, Caldwell, New Jersey, on Friday, March 13, 1970, sister of Mrs.

Veronica Dowling of Wyckoff, Carol of West New York, and William of Chatham. Funeral St. Catherine Infirmary, Mt. St. Dominick's, Caldwell.

Requiem Mass in Infirmary Chapel, Monday, March 16 at 10 a.m. MOREY James on March 13, 1970. of 58 Gautier Avenue, "beloved husband of the late Emily (nee Helbig); devoted father of James G. Morey and Miss Sandra More ey. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral at the WILLIAM SCHLEMM INC.

Funeral Home, Bergen and Harrison Avenues, Jersey City, Monday, March 16, 9:30 a.m. Requiem Mass St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church 10 a.m. Interment Holy Name Cemetery. Visiting 2.5 and 7-10 p.m.

PARKING ON PREMISES. NAGELMAYER John, on Thursday, March 12, 1970 of West Side Avenue. Devoted brother of Mrs. Joseph (Anna) Barber and Miss Pauline Nagelmayer. Dear uncle of Miss Joanne and Joseph Barber Jr.

Funeral from the RANDOLPH A. RIOTTO Funeral Home, 3205 Kennedy Boulevard, corner of Stagg Street. on Monday, March 16, at 9 a.m. Solemn High Mass Mt. Carmel Church, 10 a.m.

Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. PARKING LOTS ON KENNEDY BOULEVARD, ALSO STAGG STREET. REGAN Cecilia A. (nee Coyle) on March 13, 1970, of 9 Heckman Place.

Beloved wife of John. Devoted mother of Sister Mary John, John, Andrew, Dennis, and Sister Ann Cecilia O.P., sister of Michael Coyle of Ireland; survived by nine grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral at the WILLIAM SCHLEMM INC. Funeral Home, Bergen and Harrison Avenues. Jersey City, Monday, March 16, 9:30 a.m.

Requiem Mass Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Church 10 a.m. Interment Holy Name Cemetery. Visiting 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. PARKING ON PREMISES. James C.

Morey Active in the Jersey City Knights of Columbus, James C. Morey, 51, of 58 Gautier Jersey City, died yesterday in St. Francis Hospital. A lifelong resident of the city, Mr. Morey was employed as an electrician for the Westinghouse Corp.

He was a veteran of World War II, a member of the Jersey City Knights of Columbus Council 137, a fourth degree knight in the American General Assembly, and a member of the Anchor Club at Westinghouse. The funeral will be Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the William Schlemm Funeral Home, Jersey City, with a 10 a.m. Mass in St. Aloysius Church.

Interment will be in Holy Name Cemetery. Mrs. John Regan Active in religious organizations, Mrs. John Regan, 80, the former Cecilia Coyle, of 9 Heckman Drive, Jersey City, died yesterday in Memorial Hospital, New York City. A native of Ireland, Mrs.

Regan was a member of Our Lady of Victory Church Rosary Society, the Third Order of St. Dominic and the Senior Citizens Club of the Currie Woods Gardens. The funeral will be Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the William Schlemm Funeral Home, Jersey City, with a 10 a.m. Mass in Our Lady of Victory Church.

Interment will be in Holy Name Cemetery. Mrs. John Keenan Mrs. John Keenan, the former Sadie Smith, 79, of Bramhall Jersey City, died yesterday at home. A native of New York City, Mrs.

Keenan was a longtime resident of Jersey City and a housewife. The funeral will be Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the William Schlemm Funeral Home, Jersey City, with a 10 a.m. Mass in All Saints Church. CALL SCHLEMM'S 539 Bergen J.

C. Edwin F. Huhn, Mgr. HE 4-0411 2200 Kennedy U. C.



333-6880 CHARLES SCHEURLE 6119 TYLER PL. W.N.Y. 7-1801 Riotto 3205 KENNEDY J.C. 798-3100 Richmond I F. Routh FUNERAL HOME, INC.

202 Old Bergen Rd. DE 3-6858 CHARLES A. A STEVENS, Mgr. Not affiliated with any other funeral home. HOME FOR FUNERALS JOHN E.

WHITE 767 OCEAN AVE. 333-8426 WIEN WIEN 2030 Kennedy J.C. 333-8360 DONALD F. WOOD 582 BERGEN AVE. DE 3-6480 RICHARD W.

ZAORSKI 3023 Kennedy Blvd. 653-2498 The experienced dependable people at Schlemm. We've drawn a single, composite picture of all 22 of them. Our man has been with Schlemm for a total of 263. years.

He has seven different national backgrounds. He's a member of eight different philanthropic service organizations, about 6 bowling leagues, and two veterans' organizations. He's a compassionate man. His experience and training enable him to understand a family's sorrows and stresses during a difficult period. He knows the best way to arrange everything.

Depend on him to ease the burden. 10 Hilliam Schlemm, Inc. FUNERALS FROM $250 Two beautiful, air conditioned funeral homes with beautifully appointed private chapels and family rooms and more-than-ample parking facilities: 539 BERGEN AVENUE, JERSEY CITY Edwin F. Huhn, Mgr. HE 4-0411 2200 KENNEDY UNION CITY Francis W.

Wilson, Mgr. UN 7-1000.

The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.