Join a Community on X | X Help (2025)

Joining a Community

Find each other, create shared experiences, and forge new connections.

  • Member reporting
  • Communities overview
  • FAQ for members

Member reporting

Communities overview

FAQ for members

How to report a post
How to report someone
How to report a Community
Blocked accounts

How to report a post

Step 1

To report a potential issue, tap or click on the more icon next to any Community post.

Step 2

Select Report Post.

Step 3

Choose the appropriate issue:

  • If you select It breaks the Community rules, the post will be reported to the Community moderator(s).
  • Selecting another option such as, It’s abusive or harmful, will send the post to X for review. Learn more about reporting violations.

Step 4

You can provide more info or context to let the Community moderator(s) or X know what was wrong with the post.

Step 5

After you report the issue, you’ll have the option to mute or block the person whose post you’ve reported.

How to report someone

Step 1

Navigate to the account profile and tap or click on themore icon.

Step 2

Select Report.

Step 3

Choose the type of issue you’d like to report.

Step 4

We may ask you to provide additional context around the issue. Read more information on reporting an account for violations.

How to report a Community

If you think a Community is in violation of the X Rules, you can report it by navigating to the relevant link below.

Report a Community for:

  • Safety and Sensitive Content
  • Impersonation
  • Counterfeit
  • Trademark infringement

For more information on reported and suspended Communities, please see the section Following the X Rules in Communities.

Blocked accounts

If an account blocks a moderator or a moderator blocks an account, the account will not be allowed to join the Community. If the account is already a member, they will be removed from the Community and they will receive a notification. This is to ensure moderators can see all Community posts.

Who is eligible to join Communities?
How do I join a Community?
posting into a Community
Viewing Community posts
Leaving or being removed from a Community

Who is eligible to join Communities?

To join a Community, you must have a public account. We’re currently working on expanding availability to accounts that are protected.

How do I join a Community?

Joining a Community depends on the type of membership the admin has selected.

Communities with open membership, you can tap or click on the Join button at the top of the Community's page below the Community's name. The Community's rules will pop up for you to review. If you consent to the Community's rules, tap or click on Agree and join. Please note that the Community rules are in addition to theRules.

Ask to join + member invites
On Communities with restricted membership that allow member invites, you can send a join request via the Ask to join button on the Community’s page, which will go to the moderator to either deny or approve your request. People who are invited by the moderator team are automatically approved. Once you join, you will be able to send invites to other people on Twitter to join.

Ask to join only
This kind of Community follows the same process as the one above, with the exception of the member-invite capability. You will only be able to send a join request and there are no member invites available once you become a member.

Posting into a Community

Once you join a Community, you can post into it. This is different from posts to your followers as these Community posts will not be sent to your followers’ Home timelines. All Community posts (including Quote posts) will be visible within the Community, as well as injected into Home timelines of members. Community posts are not shown on your X profile.

How to post into a Community

Before you post, Choose your audience by tapping or clicking on Everyone (this will be sent to your followers) or the specific Community (if you are a member of more than one Community, you will see a list of the ones you belong to under My Communities.

Viewing Community Posts

As a member of one or more Communities, you will see the Communities tab within your Twitter app on iOS, or the sidebar on Once you visit the main Communities page, you will see a Communities timeline containing only posts sent into the Communities of which you're a member. You can also navigate directly into a Communities page in order to see a timeline specific to that Community.

Leaving or being removed from a Community

At any point, members may leave the Community. Moderators may also remove members from the Community for breaking any of the Community rules.

How do I leave a Community? If I leave a Community and change my mind, can I join again?
How do I find new Communities to join?
Can I search for Communities?
Will everyone on X see the Communities tab?
Who can see the list of moderators and members of a Community?

How do I leave a Community?

To leave a Community, visit its page (via the Communities page or any post tagged within the Community), and tap or click on the Joined button at the top of the page. You will then see an option to Leave the community.

Any Community post (including replies) you made while a member of the Community will continue to exist in the Community.

If I leave a Community and change my mind, can I join again?

If you want to join a Community again after leaving, you may use the original invite you received to rejoin.

How do I find new Communities to join?

Currently, you must be invited into a Community to join. The Community page and timeline will be visible to anyone on X if someone shares it with them, but they cannot interact with any of the posts.If the Community that is shared with you is open, you will be able to join. If the Community is a restricted one, you can request to join. See more details in How do I join a Community?

On open Communities, you will be able to join via the Join button, located at the top of the Community’s page below the Community’s name. On restricted Communities, you can request to join via the Ask to join button.

Can I search for Communities?

Once you become a member of at least one Community, the Communities tab will be available to you. Searching for Communities is available through the tab.

Note: Currently, searching for Communities is available only on web and iOS.

How to search for a Community

Step 1

Navigate to the Communities tab.

Step 2

At the top of the page, tap on the magnifying glass icon.

Step 3

In the search bar, search for Communities by name, description, and creator name and handle.

Please note that not all Communities available will surface on search results.

Step 1

Navigate to the Communities tab.

Step 2

At the top of the page, click or tap on the magnifying glass icon.

Step 3

In the search bar, search for Communities by name, description, and creator name and handle.

Please note that not all Communities available will surface on search results.

Will everyone on X see the Communities tab?

Once someone becomes a member of a Community, they will be shown the Communities tab/icon within their X app on iOS, or within the sidebar on Currently this tab is only available to members who belong to one or more Communities.

Who can see the list of moderators and members of a Community?

If given a direct URL, anyone on X will be able to view a Community’s timeline, posts, and see a list of all moderators and members within the Community.

Administering & moderating a Community

Help bring a Community to life while keeping it focused and fun for everyone.

  • Guidelines
  • Managing a Community
  • FAQ


Defining admins & moderators

Managing a Community


Following the X Rules in Communities

Reviewing reported posts
Removing a member from the Community

Guidelines for admins & moderators

As an admin or moderator in Communities, you are expected to support a healthy conversation in the Community by helping enforce the Community rules using moderator tools. In addition, you are expected to follow these guidelines:

  • Always follow theRulesand the Community rules of the Communities you moderate.This includes choosing a Community name, rules, cover photo, and description that do not violate the X Rules.
  • Do not make Community rules that duplicate, violate, or conflict with the X Rules, or encourage behavior or content that violates the X Rules.
  • Stay active in your Community.
  • Do not includesensitive mediain your Community’s cover photo.
  • Do not abuse or misuse your Moderator Tools. Abuse or misuse could include any of the following patterns of behavior:
    • Hiding posts or replies from the Community members arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner.
    • Removing members of a Community arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner.
  • Do not encourage behavior or content that violates the X Rules or the rules of your Community.

Following the X Rules in Communities

Community admins, moderators, and members must follow the Rules. When we take enforcement actions, we may do so either on a specific piece of content (e.g., an individual post in a Community), a Community, or on an account.

Depending on the severity and history of violative behavior, we may apply some or all of our range of enforcement options, including, but not limited to:

  • Pausing your participation as an admin or moderator in Communities.
  • Removing you from Communities.
  • Removing or requiring edits to a Community name, rules, cover photo, and description.
  • Temporarily or permanently suspending a Community.
  • Account-level enforcements, including placing an account in read-only mode or permanent suspension.
  • Reduce the visibility of individual posts,Community elements, or the entire Community.

When a Community is reported and found in violation of the X Rules
X suspends Communities that are in violation of the Rules. Suspended Communities will no longer be accessible and will not show up in the Communities tab.

Viewing my posts in a suspended Community
Any posts that you have made in suspended Communities will only be visible to you. You may delete those posts, but no further action can be taken on them including reposting, quote posting, sharing with others, etc.

Accessing my posts in a suspended Community
To access posts you’ve made in suspended Communities, download your X archive. For more information, read our article How to download your X archive.

Appealing a Community suspension
If you believe your Community was wrongly suspended, you can file an appeal.Only the Community admin may appeal the suspension.

Quick do’s and don’ts


  • ...actively post and engage with other posts.
  • ...actively monitor and review tasks within the reported posts queue.
  • ...become a face of the Community such that people know who you are and recognize your interest and excitement.
  • ...invite relevant and interested people to join, and encourage members to do the same.
  • to resolve issues with individuals or groups of people, especially before needing to hide multiple posts or remove members.


  • ...abuse any Moderator Tools, including hiding posts arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner or removing members arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner.
  • ...make Community rules that duplicate, violate, or conflict with the X Rules, or encourage behavior or content that violates the X Rules.
  • ...send out mass invitations to people who may not be interested in joining; spamming invitations will likely not result in a leaned-in and healthy community.
  • ...remove members specifically on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

Reviewing reported posts

You will have the responsibility to review all posts that are reported to moderators. When a post is reported, all moderators will receive a general notification. Once you’ve reviewed and determined if any violation of the Community rules has occurred, you will choose to Hide post or Keep. If you decide to hide the post, you will be asked to provide feedback on the rule violation to help the member understand why this action was taken. If you also believe that the post violates the X Rules, please report the post to us by tapping or clicking on Report post to X.

Removing a member from the Community

Navigate to the profile of the member and tap or click on the more icon to remove them. You’ll be asked to provide feedback on the rule violation to help the member understand why this action was taken.

What is a moderator?
What are the roles and responsibilities of a moderator?
What are the differences between a moderator and an admin?
What is the eligibility criteria to be an admin?

What is a moderator?

Moderators ensure a healthy, active, and informative Community experience on X. We see moderators having three critical jobs: (1) facilitating meaningful conversation, (2) connecting like-minded people, and 3) developing Community culture.

We expect that most moderators will be active in their Community every day, whether it be posting, reviewing reported posts, or inviting new members to join.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a moderator?

  • Inviting & managing members
    Moderators are responsible for directly inviting people to join the Community, which would automatically give them access to join.

    Moderators could also post out to encourage people to nominate themselves for invitation, after which they invite them directly to join. Once people have joined the Community, moderators can directly remove members.

  • Administering Community rules
    Each Community may have their own specific rules around conversation. Moderators will be hiding member posts that break Community rules.
  • Managing posts
    Moderators will be actively monitoring the Community, reporting member posts that violate X Rules, and hiding member posts that violate the Community Rules so that they do not appear for members in the Community.
  • Generating discussion
    Moderators should actively be in the Community encouraging discussion by posting and/or creating post replies to other posts created by members in the Community. Moderators make sure the conversation stays healthy. The more members join a Community, the more content that potentially needs to be moderated.

What are the differences between a moderator and an admin?

A moderator (or mod) is someone who helps keep conversations safe and on track in a Community. They are chosen and overseen by a Community admin, and may have additional roles such as:

  • Managing member invitations / requests to join a Community.
  • Enforcing Community rules.
  • Reviewing Community post reports for Community rules violations.
  • Encouraging conversation and setting the tone for discussion within the Community.

An admin is the owner of a Community. Their duties may include keeping conversations informative, relevant, and fun, reviewing member reports, hiding member posts, or removing disruptive members from the Community. In addition, Admins are responsible for managing the Community, which includes changes to Community name, rules, cover photo, and description. If the Community name, rules, cover photo, and description violate the X Rules, we may take an enforcement action against the Community and/or the admin’s account.

They may also choose moderators to help with these tasks. As the admin of a Community, you may invite as many moderators as you wish. Only admins can modify the settings of a Community to open them. Under Membership, there are options to choose either Open or Restricted. Once a Community is open, people can then tap or click on the Join button to automatically join.

What is the eligibility criteria to be an admin?

X’s eligibility requirements for admin accounts include:

  • X account must be public (not protected; if an account gets switched to protected, it will lose moderator privileges)
  • X account must be at least six months old.
  • X account must have a verified email address or a phone number.
  • X account must not violate, or have a history of violating, the X Terms of Service.

To remain an admin in Communities, you are required to continuously meet these eligibility requirements. Additionally, X will work with each Community to help them manage their Communities and may monitor for violations of the moderator guidelines.

Quick do’s and don’ts


  • ...actively post and engage with other posts.
  • ...actively monitor and review tasks within the Reported posts queue.
  • ...become a face of the Community such that people know who you are and recognize your interest and excitement.
  • ...invite relevant and interested people to join, and encourage members to do the same.
  • to resolve issues with individuals or groups of people, especially before needing to hide multiple posts or remove members.


  • ...abuse any Moderator Tools, including hiding posts arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner or removing members arbitrarily or in an abusive or disruptive manner.
  • ...make Community rules that duplicate, violate, or conflict with the X Rules, or encourage behavior or content that violates the X Rules.
  • ...send out mass invitations to people who may not be interested in joining; spamming invitations will likely not result in a leaned-in and healthy community.
  • ...remove members specifically on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

Reviewing reported posts

You will have the responsibility to review all posts that are reported to moderators. When a post is reported, all moderators will receive a general notification. Once you’ve reviewed and determined if any violation of the Community rules has occurred, you will choose to Hide post or Keep. If you decide to hide the post, you will be asked to provide feedback on the rule violation to help the member understand why this action was taken. If you also believe that the post violates the X Rules, please report the post to us by tapping or clicking on Report post to X.

Removing a member from the Community

Navigate to the profile of the member and tap or click on the more icon to remove them. You’ll be asked to provide feedback on the rule violation to help the member understand why this action was taken.

Editing Community name, rules, cover photo, and description
Adding or removing moderators
Rule modifications and notifications

Editing Community name, rules, cover photo, and description

Community admins may add and modify Community name, rules, cover photo, and description, as well as remove Community rules.

Adding or removing moderators

Admins have the ability to add new moderators from the members list, as well as remove existing moderators.

Rule modifications and notifications

Communities must have at least one rule, and can have up to ten rules at a time.

If a post was hidden for violating a rule that has changed or no longer exists, it will remain hidden.

How many moderators can a Community have?
How many people can I invite into a Community?
What eligibility criteria can I use to determine who can join a Community?
What moderation can occur with Communities?
As an admin or moderator, do I have to enforce X Rules?
How will X help me as a moderator?
Do I get paid for being a moderator?

How many moderators can a Community have?

There are no limits to the number of moderators for each Community.

How many people can I invite into a Community?

Moderators can invite as many people as they would like.

What eligibility criteria can I use to determine who can join a Community?

Community admins and moderators must not administer any eligibility criterias for people joining their Communities besides interest in the shared purpose. For example, there can be no eligibility enforcement around protected categories including race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.We do not allow the creation of Communities that are aimed at directing hate, attacking others, or exclusion of people on the basis of protected categories. For more information, see ourHateful conduct policy.

However, we do allow the creation of Communities based on protected categories. Communities can be created around a specific group or allyship.

What moderation can occur with Communities?

Community moderators have the ability to remove members and hide posts that break Community rules. Members of the Community can report a Community post (1) to be reviewed by a Community moderator if you believe a Community rule has been broken, or (2) to be reviewed by X if you believe a X Rule violation has occurred. Non-members can also report Community posts they believe may have violatedRules to X.

As an admin or moderator, do I have to enforce X Rules?

All Community contentmust follow the X Rules, and any Community rules live alongside the X Rules. If a post gets posted within the Community that violates the X Rules, report the post. As part of the post review queue, you need only review and action on post that may break the Community rules.

How will X help me as a moderator?

For the initial rollout of Communities, we created a Community specifically for Community admins and moderators. This Community can be used to talk to other moderators, as well as X employees who are building the features you’ll be using every day.

Besides being able to communicate within the special Community built for participants, you will also have direct access to X employees via the X Communities account or DM, where we will be listening to your feedback and supporting you on any urgent issues.

Do I get paid for being a moderator?

X does not provide payment for creating, administering, or moderating communities.

Join a Community on X | X Help (2025)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6376

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.