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googlebot Herald of Endless Research. from The misty Albion Since: Nov, 2011 Relationship Status: I'm just high on the world

Herald of Endless Research.

#1: Jun 10th 2016 at 2:18:16 AM

An open world survival game set in the world of Conan the Barbarian. Reveal trailer.Conan Exiles - TV Tropes Forum (2)

Glad Funcom is using it's IPs to make more games.

edited 10th Jun '16 2:18:28 AM by googlebot

“You can’t be an important and life-changing presence for some people without also being a joke and embarrassment to others.”-Mark Manson.

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#2: Feb 5th 2017 at 4:44:35 PM

I bought it.

I regret it.

Seriously, the game is a glitchy, unbalanced mess at this point, and even the constant map isn't changing things for the better.

Everything Trying to Kill You is very much in effect, and Demonic Spiders are terrifyingly literal, showing up when you least expect it thanks to tall grass in the starting area and spitting poison at you until you melt. Unsurprisingly forcing you to craft an entire new set of gear, because the one you just lost is gonna stay there for a while... Unless you exploit some of the Good Bad Bugs and manage to hit "E" in the exact right moment, allowing you to loot your own corpse before respawning.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

Rotpar Since: Jan, 2010

#3: Feb 6th 2017 at 3:04:51 AM

I don't want the game to fail, but I'm not sold on it yet. Even if it's good I'm hestitant to buy it since this is part of the reason for an almost year-long content draught in The Secret World. There's no guarantee that spending money on this game will support the one I love; this game's success might give them more money to sink into other projects, or they could decide to pull the plug on TSW and pump that money back into this.

Also...penis slider? Really?

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#4: Feb 6th 2017 at 12:26:27 PM

Conan Exiles - TV Tropes Forum (6) You have no idea how useless it is when the game has three server-controlled levels of nudity: American, Topless and Full-Frontal Assault, and client cannot set a nudity level more explicit than the server allows.

So yeah, if the server allows everyone to schlong about, you can schlong about or decide to see everyone dressed in loincloths and stuff. Also, the NP Cs are never fully naked. What's unintentionally funny is that both hair and dongs are flapping in the wind.

Also, I decided to record an hour of gameplay today. Had to cut the first ten minutes as it consisted of me being reduced to Angrish with nothing on video but a loading screen.

edited 6th Feb '17 12:27:41 PM by NotSoBadassLongcoat

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#6: Feb 9th 2017 at 9:54:31 AM

Stable is one thing. The game is terrible overall right now. For example, I saw characters move by blinking and skating in a locally hosted single player game, death throes played several seconds after I killed an enemy and absolutely wack hit detection, and a couple of character customization features are straight-up disabled (like facial hair or physique sliders).

This is such a stupid cash-grab it pretty much amounts to suicide. You just don't push such a half-assed alpha out the door and hope that people cough up 30 euros for it. Only the fact that it's Funcom and they have enough funds to eventually finish it stops me from getting a refund.

edited 9th Feb '17 9:55:12 AM by NotSoBadassLongcoat

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#7: Feb 10th 2017 at 4:05:39 PM

The biggest load of bollocks this side of the full nudity setting: you need to be at least level 13 with several crafting recipes to be able to set up a permanent bed. Otherwise, the best you can get is replacing the one-use bedrolls until you run out of materials.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

TuefelHundenIV Night Clerk of the Apacalypse. from Doomsday Facility Corner Store. Since: Aug, 2009 Relationship Status: I'd need a PowerPoint presentation

Night Clerk of the Apacalypse.

#8: Feb 10th 2017 at 4:24:12 PM

Sounds like Ark Survival Evolved early days. Glitchy mess wit doom monsters around every corner.

Who watches the watchmen?

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#9: Feb 11th 2017 at 1:05:52 PM

I found something just as bad as the spiders: crocodiles deal terribleterribledamage, and hyenas cripple you with every single bite. And the hyenas are actually pretty damn fast. Crocs you can outrun, at least.

But I found out that the repair hammer makes a neat weapon.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#10: Feb 16th 2017 at 5:02:41 PM

A friend of mine set up a private, persistent PVE server for us to tool around.

This game is made for team play. Thanks to the AI being ridiculously dumb, kiting is laughably simple. This also helps with fighting things like hyenas and NPCs. Well, this and building obstacle courses that exploit pathing idiocy (need to dodge a hyena quickly? Find a cliff with no nearby ramp and run off it).

Bow and arrow is Difficult, but Awesome. It's the best weapon against spiders and pretty good against everything else. By default, the basic bow and stone arrows deal 38 damage per shot (versus the sword's 30 and tools' 13 or so), and the fire rate is pretty good.

Ostriches are dangerous up close - they're fast and attack with a series of kicks that throw you off balance and cancel your charged attacks. This includes using a bow. But, there's an upside: they're worth disproportionately more XP than, for example, crocodiles, while being weaker than those.

Getting iron is a bitch in the beginning. Banking on random drops from orange rocks just isn't viable. The alternatives are "top of the J" (there's a J-shaped mountain north of the lake near the starting point), which is quite a trek, but it's safer, and "middle of the P" (there's a P-shaped mountain next to the J-shaped I mentioned), which is a shorter distance away, but yields only a third of the iron found on the J, and is infested with spiders (there are three or four of those out there).

As for the crafting recipes - if you play online, specialize, specialize, specialize. The server owner went for armor crafting and leatherworking, I volunteered with building and Human Resources, being an Acolyte of Set and all. Now I'm level 12 and I'm screwed, because he didn't finish the Tannery yet, so I can't make a meaningful iron run to make more iron tools and slaver gear.

And the last patch broke the waterskins. You can refill them only at wells, and the first well you can build at level 20.

edited 16th Feb '17 5:03:45 PM by NotSoBadassLongcoat

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#11: Feb 18th 2017 at 2:45:41 PM

The new patch fixed waterskins and rebalanced crippling effects.

Also, my friend found out the hard way what rhinos do in this game, aside from being really, really tough.

Namely, rhinos ram through T1 walls like Kool-Aid Man.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

VutherA Since: Jul, 2009

#12: Feb 18th 2017 at 2:50:14 PM

Wait, you're still playing? I thought you'd be gone for at least a month or so about 5 posts ago.

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#13: Feb 19th 2017 at 10:24:51 AM

Conan Exiles - TV Tropes Forum (16) Well, they're patching the game pretty quickly, and my friend has set up a co-op server.

Otherwise I would indeed have no interest in the game for the next month or so. I went through this sort of thing with Clockwork Empires, mainly because they changed the gameplay mechanics every two months or so and didn't have the game balance worked out until right before the release. But here, it's the co-op server that has my attention.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

Rotpar Since: Jan, 2010

#14: Feb 27th 2017 at 8:01:42 AM

So many TSW fans are hoping this game will revitalize Funcom, I'm just dreading this will be the next half-dead project limping around on life support.

So, does the game take place anywhere of significance in the Hyborian Age? Is it some nameless wasteland that the players are inhabiting or can you go visit the tombs of Stygia or the Cimmerian hills?

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#15: Mar 9th 2017 at 2:32:05 PM

The devs posted a rudimentary roadmapConan Exiles - TV Tropes Forum (19). Among future developments, there are:

  • Mounts - catch a horse, or a camel, and travel faster.
  • Siege weapons - deploy, aim, bring the house down. Before the defenders launch a counterattack.
  • New biome - the highlands. Put on something warm.
  • Magic - appropriately for the Conan universe, it'll be dark, twisted and certainly indirect.
  • In-depth thrall management - you'll be able to send the thralls hunting and whatnot.
  • Three new deities - someone already hacked through the alpha files and found out those will be Bel, Derketo and Jhebbal Sag. The specifics, however, are still unknown.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

TuefelHundenIV Night Clerk of the Apacalypse. from Doomsday Facility Corner Store. Since: Aug, 2009 Relationship Status: I'd need a PowerPoint presentation

Night Clerk of the Apacalypse.

#16: May 18th 2018 at 4:09:22 PM

So the game is officially out and more fully fleshed out. They have improved on it notably. Combat is a bit more interesting, the climbing mechanic is a blast, and crafting is better overall. They are still working on the game and an expansion with a frozen Northern realm is in the offing. I have been playing this on Xbox for the most part and already having all sorts of FUN. Like finding a giant killer croc that bit me in half with one shot, massive scorpions, and a Werecreature. Also found a random dude on top of a pillar while climbing spires and mountains in the deserts who teaches stuff about climbing gear.

The city is no longer overtly hostile and you can freely visit but you can still pick fights with the residents. The leap in capability between stone and iron is still huge. To emphasize the difference. Using a stone pick I gathered enough iron for a 130 bars of iron. Using the iron pick I gathered enough for nearly 400 bars, plus coal. The upgrade system is rather nice including improving durability of tools and making weapons more deadly.

Just in general it has been nicely fleshed out overall.

edited 18th May '18 8:15:38 PM by TuefelHundenIV

Who watches the watchmen?

Angeldeb82 Since: Dec, 2010

#17: Jun 8th 2018 at 8:22:49 PM

And here's Zero Punctuation's review on it.

TuefelHundenIV Night Clerk of the Apacalypse. from Doomsday Facility Corner Store. Since: Aug, 2009 Relationship Status: I'd need a PowerPoint presentation

Night Clerk of the Apacalypse.

#18: Aug 18th 2018 at 4:21:41 PM

My PC can actually run this at the low end. Which means I am running on the same server as my clan meaning I get to hang with the Snow Hawks again. It is mostly the voice chat and the hammy chats we have that I miss. Have a 5 x 5 two floor house with thatch roof on a small island just east of the Sentinels.

Who watches the watchmen?

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Name: Van Hayes

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